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We are here to support you


We believe that addiction is a chronic disease.  It's essential individuals who have a substance use disorder seek out treatment and support to obtain long-term recovery.  We believe that people can and do recover and go on to live productive lives.
Start by educating yourself on the disease and the many pathways to recovery.


We recommend the following sources to learn more about substance use disorders and the continuing addiction crisis.


SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration


Facing Addiction In America


Faces and Voices of Recovery


National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)


I need to know that recovery is possible.

Check out our #hopedealer stories


I need to find treatment and housing for someone.

We do not provide housing or treatment directly but we can recommend the following resources:
Missouri Recovery Network | Statewide Voice of Recovery
Missouri Coalition for Community Behavioral Healthcare  
Missouri Coalition of Recovery Support Providers


I need to be connected to support for me.

We have a Family Support group is every Monday at 6PM. Families want the best for their children, to nurture their growth and development. Families with children who have addiction and or mental health problems want the same for their children/adult children/family members, but often face additional challenges, including great stress, social isolation, and financial strain. Families may become overwhelmed, and find it difficult navigating the service system for their loved one, and to find social and emotional support for themselves. "Family Support" helps families access a broad array of supports and services, including formal supports and informal supports (such as parent-to-parent connections) and a community system of services that promote the well-being of families and their children with addiction and or mental health issues. The Family Support Program works with families, communities, and service providers to promote and provide support for families.
For more information contact the Springfield Recovery Community Center at (417) 368-0852


I need to be trained on how to use the life-saving medication of Narcan.

If you are in close contact with the person you care about who is actively using, overdose is highly likely.  We can provide training and free Narcan to you to use in case your find the person you care about experiencing an overdose.  Trainings are held every first Friday of the month at the Springfield Recovery Community Center.  For more information, contact the Springfield Recovery Community Center at (417) 368-0852


Other family resources:


Better Life in Recovery has also produced a family-focused documentary to help parents understand substance use disorders and recovery. 


Not My Child

Helping Families Understand Substance Use and Recovery
Not My Child
Watch Now
Visit the Not My Child website for more information and to schedule a screening.

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Better Life in Recovery

1925 E. Bennett, Suite J

Springfield, MO  65804


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