#HopeDealer - Heather
Heather's story begins with a lot of abuse and mental illness that led to her substance use. Check out her story on how she broke out of...

#HopeDealer - Amy
My name is Amy. I have been in recovery since April 1, 2022 My substance use began when I was very young. My father gave me my first...

#HopeDealer Michael
I'm Michael and I'm in long term recovery. I am celebrating 8 years in October of being free from controlling substances. My use began...

Lawren #HopeDealer
Ex-wife, sister, daughter, mother, manager, CPS, CNA, volunteer, church member; addict. Call me what you will… I’ve heard it all. I am a...

Joe and Amanda #HopeDealers
We are Joe and Amanda Fowler In March of 2018 we found ourselves homeless for the fourth time. Alcohol was tearing our lives apart. We...

Ricky #HopeDealer
Tomorrow will be 1 year out of prison for me and a lot of people may say so what? But it really is a big deal to me because I have never...

Jerry #HopeDealer
My name is Jerry and I am in long-term recovery. What that means for me is I have not used alcohol or other drugs since March, 22, 2012...

Jesse #HopeDealer
My name is Jesse Rowland and I am in long-term recovery. What that means for me is I have not used alcohol or other drugs since 1-1-2016...